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Use TurboWrap: https://turbowarp.org/958156597 WASD or arrow keys, X to dash L to die Z to shoot during petal selection if you want to play again click green flag 2 times to fix the bugs

Notes and Credits

I didn't create the game so if you use this add credit to 96-Studios for the creation of the game and me for just a few minor things. (You don't have to add credit for me but I implore you add for 96-Studios) Current Patch: 3 Patch 1: Flower Pot attack now damages the player, the ball shot from the pot will be added soon. Error was that you forgot to add the pots to the damage script :P RESOLVED Patch 2: Added sound effect for Vine/Spike attack Code should be visible in the vine/spike attack script (Just add a start sound script) also i have to use scratch sound effects :( Patch 3: Added a basic form of the ball for the flower pot attack. It works but it isn't very well done since i can Only USe SCRATCH RESOURCES. Just add the ball in the sprite texture instead of coding a whole clone (don't do that)

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