TurboWarp Privacy Policy

Updated May 24, 2024

The TurboWarp project respects your privacy. Every website says this, but we mean it: We aren't interested in your data. In the interest of full transparency, this document lists every place where your data might be collected or shared:

Loading projects

When you load a project from another website, you are subject to the privacy practices of that website. For example, when loading projects from Scratch, you are subject to the Scratch privacy policy. When loading projects from Scratch specifically, the project ID will also be shared with TurboWarp as part of Scratch's API does not allow direct access. We may briefly log the project ID for caching.

Running projects

When connecting to our cloud variable servers, the project ID and username may be logged for 14 days. Data in cloud variables is sent to anyone else connected at the same time. Custom cloud variable servers are outside of our control.

Some extensions must communicate with external APIs to function. For example, the translate and text-to-speech extensions rely on the Scratch API, which is covered by the Scratch privacy policy. To improve performance, some extensions access TurboWarp's APIs instead where both the request (for example, the text being translated) and the result after forwarding to Scratch (for example, the translated version of the text) may be cached.

Most extensions on the official extension gallery will ask for permission when the project attempts to use the extension to access an untrusted website, however we cannot guarantee this is 100% reliable.

When loading a custom extension from a place other than the official gallery such as a URL or file on your computer, the editor will ask for permission to load the extension. If you approve this dialog, the extension can bypass the permission dialogs that official extensions show.


Many TurboWarp websites will store settings such as addon settings or packager settings in your browser.

Aggregated data

We may log anonymous aggregated data such as how many people use a certain site per day.


A randomly generated username may be saved in your browser. You can replace this with a custom username. Randomly generated usernames are anonymized (the random part is removed) before being sent to any cloud variable server.

TurboWarp Desktop

TurboWarp Desktop may make requests to check for updates. This can be disabled by pressing "Settings" then "Desktop Settings".

TurboWarp Desktop has a disabled-by-default option to enable "Rich Presence" which shares the name of the project you have open and how long it has been open with chat apps running on your computer, which may be displayed on your public profile. This can be disabled by pressing "Settings" then "Desktop Settings".


The search bar is provided by Algolia. See the Algolia privacy policy.

TurboWarp Packager

The TurboWarp Packager may store settings and cache large downloads such as Electron in your browser for convenience and performance.

When packaging a project using custom extensions, the packager may access those websites to download the extensions.

Projects generated by the TurboWarp Packager

Packaged projects include all scripts, costumes, and sounds to run the project. The packager tries to include all custom extensions too, but in some cases, the packaged project may need to download certain extensions each time it runs.

Advanced features such as third-party custom extensions, custom cloud host, custom JS, and custom CSS are outside of our control.

Note that, unlike the TurboWarp editor, custom extensions in packaged projects will not ask for permission before contacting websites.

You are responsible for informing end users about the privacy practices of the files you distribute. Do not link to this document as your project's privacy policy as it may change in the future. You must write your own.

TurboWarp Packager Extras

TurboWarp Packager Extras may make requests to check for updates.


Any concerns related to privacy or any other matter should be sent to: contact@turbowarp.org