Waittt... 100K VIEWS?!!?!?! Thanks you guys soooooooooooooo much!
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/977802868/ ◀️
40 Levels + 7 Pro Levels
Please ❤️ and ⭐️ i will be thankful :D
@BeeKeyProAnimations and
@freder1 ✅
1 Update 03.06.2023 game relased
2 Update 04.06.2023 changed game topic
3 Update 06.06.2023 bounce platforms fixed
4 Update 06.06.2023 added new levels!
5 Update 07.06.2023 17 lvl lagging fixed and lava fixed and level 16 maked esier(Thanks
@Cyberfishofant2 for help)
6 Update 08.06.2023 added cave land to game and new platforms
7 Update 10.06.2023 i fixed all lags in game and i again added Cave Land update
8 Update 12.06.2023 Desert Land update! and world record update!
9 Update 15.06.2023 Mobile Controls added!
10 (LAST) Update 18.06.2023 Added PRO LEVELS