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Movement: W - Up A - Left S - Down D - Right Talk to people - Space Bar (then wait, the game may freeze if you press it twice) Tane's baskets of knowledge is based on the maori myth of the Three Kete. As a developing programmer it is important for me to always be expanding my knowledge. This story shows the importance of the pursuit of knowledge. Tane climbs a mountain and faces many challengers to retrieve knowledge for his village because he knows how important it is. I chose this kind of game (rpg or role playing game) because it matches the theme of "Creativity and imagination can transport us to other worlds". An rpg can take you to many worlds role playing as the character and showing whole towns or forests to make you feel like you're in whole new places. This game could inspire other kids to learn more about maori myths and or their history.

Notes and Credits

This game is quite large by Scratch standards, and may sometimes load incorrectly. If large question marks are shown on screen, please refresh tab and try again. Turbowarp: https://turbowarp.org/904497385 Copyright :) Some menu music: https://www.fesliyanstudios.com Rest of sound effects: Beep Yeah! Itch page https://beepyeah.itch.io Story: Three kete https://www.knowledge-basket.co.nz/about/knowledge-basket-legend/ Tutorials: Griffpatch Rpg tutorials

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