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I KINDA quit making updates to this game so don't expect much. - 3/8/24 Release Date: 6/9/23 (UNSHARE= UPDATE) PLEASE DON'T REPORT THIS PROJECT I WORKED HARD ON THIS!!!!!!!! PLAY ON TURBOWARP FOR LESS LAG: https://turbowarp.org/863607153 (Codes and spawning entities don't work in Turbowarp.) To move just tap wherever or use arrow keys/WASD. you want to go. There are 24 entities so far (Including X Variants) (A-5, Z-5 A-20 Z-20 A-38 Z-38 ZZ-38 A-60, A-80 A-90 A-100 A-110 A-125 A-135 A-149 A-175 A-200 A-235 B-4 ZB-4 B-10 a B-20 B-38 And B-60) Updates go here: ------- 6-9-23: Added door sounds (2) ------- 6-10-23: A-5 got a new color, added music, the player has 3 more skins, added blue locker and lastly, changed text font on the tumbnail. ------- 6-14-23: Added (2) new entities A-60 and Z-60 (Just like A-60 in Rooms) ------ (Back after 5 months 11-10-23: Sadness and The Happy were renamed to A-5 and Z-5 All entities expect A-5 have a new design. The player only has 2 designs now. Removed ambience. W section has been renamed to D section (The Darkness). ------- 11-11-23: All of the sounds of A-5 and Z-5 have been changed. A-20 color has been changed to purple. Added health. ------- 11-24-23: Added codes. Added A-75 (If you touch you lose health) Changed text font on tumbnail. Added A-90 (Spawns an entity) A-45's room number has been changed to 20. Added Leader board for highest room number (NOTE THAT LEADER BOARD MAY NOT WORK IN TURBOWARP) Added A-38 (KAR) Added glow to all entities. ------- 11-26-23: Added A-100 (Hide) Added A-105 (You can't die from touching it, but you can lose health from touching it's bullets.) ------- 11-27-23: Added new codes. Added badges (Only 1 so far) New section? New "Entity" ------- 11-28-23: Added new entity A-110. (Hide in blue locker not in gray locker) ------ 11-29-23: Added new entity A-135 (Don't get fooled) New Badge (Survive A-135) New thumbnail. New code. Added computer movement. (Yeah, it took this long) Added warning. Added flashlight. New entity A-149 (It does nothing but block other entities sound) ------- 11-30-23 Changed the section to A section which means W-60 is replaced with A-60. (THIS IS THE OFFICAL NO MORE CHANGES) X variants have been changed to Z variants. Changed A-38 jumpscare. ------- 12-1-23 New entity A-155 (Don't use your flashlight) New entity A-174 (DONT MOVE) ------- 12-3-23 Removed A-155. Changed A-149's look. New Z variants (Z-38 and ZZ-38) Changed a lot of entities room number. Added table. ------- 12-11-23 A-5 and Z-5 have new designs. ------- 12-15-23 A-20 and Z-20 have a new design. ------- 12-17-23 Changed locker costumes. New section (B section) New entity B-4/ZB-4 (Very Laggy) ------- 12-23-23 Added A-200 Added B-10 Fixed B-4 Added B-20 Added B-38 ------- 1-8-24 Changed B-38 Design Added B-60 ------- 1-21-24 Mobile movement is now better (credits to @5four305) ------- 1-23-24 Updated thumbnails. ------- 3-8-24 Changed A-174 to A-175 Changed A-149 to A-150 Changed A-110 to A-182 ------- 8/5/24 BACK BOIIIS added B-74 (A-200 from ROOMS in B section)

Notes and Credits

Credits: @BrazilianMations for the entity D-98 @jpboxfortinc for the music I got it from this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/866840328/ @5four305 for the ambience and most sounds @ScratchBuddy2011 for the font @loosh24ge for Vectors and some sounds @JxsonTheNoob for D-110 ambience. @tdoug2 for computer movement @epicgamer52452 for A-60 sounds and vectors. @bugggyman for B-38 Jumpscare @bugggyman for B-74 vector and sounds (A-185 redesign) B-??? is the "Know It All Grin" face in Roblox but edited https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/262822144/ There's nothing stop STOP DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF... Ok actually STOP You're wasting your time Do something better than this This is a void nothing in here JUST PLAY THE GAME Fine you win scroll down CODES: Rainbow KRAZY Zzzombie PlxeI 3R40R and Doritoe (By the way you have to be admin to access codes.) If your admin and have a computer press these letters in order: C O D E.

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