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This game is being ported onto roblox btw, but it's becoming the H section and not U. THIS GAME INCLUDES FLASHING LIGHTS AND SCARY STUFF: PLEASE CLICK OFF IF YOU'RE EPILEPTIC OR SENSITIVE, and if you still wanna play then delete the jumpscare sprites in a remix The original one was kinda bad so here is a whole revamp of portable rooms U-346 HAS BEEN ADDED NEW U-2 DESIGN, TWO U-2 VARIANTS AND H SECTION CHECKPOINT. Do not open any door when u-2+ is inbound, just keep holding the left button or sm. It will glitch the game https://turbowarp.org/798203543

Notes and Credits

BIG CREDITS TO AIR FOR THE NEW ADMIN PANEL RumsE for the u-12+ image and u-323 cajoler for epic u-31 fac 1o for the idea of u-120 isaacdagoof because this uses his remix of this as a base and he made u-346 original concept image which I remade and made clones

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