Paper Minecraft 1.20 (latest version)!
Turbowarp link↓
This is Paper Minecraft 1.20 (the latest version)!
I have recreated the elements added in Minecraft!
Added sniffers, camels, arrays, vindicators, bamboo blocks, bamboo signs, and hanging signs.
Please give me ⭐ and ❤!
[1 to 9] - Select Item [Click] - Place or Mine
[WASD] - Move / Jump [E] - Open/Close Inventory
[E+hover] - Open / Close Chest, Crafting Table, Door
[Space] - Drop single tile from a stack while dragging.
[F] - Eat food [N] - Label a sign or chest
[Q] - Drop item [P] - Pause / Unpause
[T] - Talk / Command [O] - Save your game
[M] - Music / Sounds [Z] - Dash
[X] - Trade
⚠If you see a strange question mark, reload this page. If you still see the question mark, please open it with Turbowarp (
https://turbowarp.org/778618672). If you still can't, your device specifications are not good enough. Load and view the page on another device.
New Mod Released! "Structures Mod" ↓
~~About this mod~~
Anyway, we've brought it closer to the original minecraft! Added sniffer (unofficial), camel, Allay, vindigator, bamboo type block, bamboo sign, bamboo/spruce hanging sign. To obtain these items, change the game mode to creative mode and open your inventory.
~~Frequently asked questions (must-read)~~
Q. I came to a dark world.
A.Please press the green flag and recreate the world again.(or run /xray command.)
Q. Why do I see a strange question mark.
A.Please reload this page. If you still see the question mark, please open it with Turbowarp (
https://turbowarp.org/778618672). If you still can't, your device specs are not good enough. Please try another device.
Q. I want to gameplay it.
A.You can do so if you post the URL to this work.
~~Existing bugs~~
Items/blocks do not drop.
→Copy and paste the save code into a notepad, etc. and reload this page, then press the button "Load Existing". or play it on Turbowarp.
Alex's costume - Fixed.
Nether is broken.
I think this is the heaviest project so far. If you can't open it in Scratch, please open it in Turbowarp.
Art, game trend 4p, music trend 3p
@griffpatch, Mojang, Microsoft, Notch
#all #game #games #music #art #minecraft #paperminecraft #2dminecraft #TNT #mod #creeper #zombie #craft #block #textcraft #minetest #mineclone #blockcraft #2D #mojang #trends #update #1_20 ゲーム 音楽 絵 まいくら マイクラ マインクラフト ペーパーマインクラフト ペパクラ ゾンビ クリーパー モッド 匠 爆発 2Dマイクラ 2Dマインクラフト 日本語版 日本語 日本語訳 翻訳 傾向 TNT Minecraft 1.20 アプデ アップデート 最新
1/1 傾向4p確認