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Laggy? Run it on: https://turbowarp.org/762332663 ♡ + ☆: Let's get this trending Press the green flag to start. If you are new to windows, click the question mark at the bottom right. V0.6.5 Has been released: Slight bug fixes. -------------------------------------- V0.6.4 Has been released: Fixed shutdown and startup sounds Fixed rightclick Changed Media Player music ----------------------------------------- V0.6.3 has been released: Global window animation for when a window gets opened -------------------------------------------------------------------- V0.6.2 Stable bug fix has been released: Fixes taskbar icons and start menu feature working when the OS is off. ---------------------------------------- V0.6.1 released: + Some projects of mine will have references here. ----------------------------------- V0.6 Bug fix released: + Fixes refresh button, personalize button, start menu buttons, and every button that keeps working after their menus are gone. + Clicking the notification that pops out of the media player once closed stops the music loops. ------------------------------------------------------ #tech #Windows #Windows7 #all #games #animations #simulator #simulater #simulation #replica Credits: Microsoft @Dobidog VMWARE Scratch ------------------------ This took some time! Make sure to heart, and favorite. It'll help me keep working on this! Click the empty taskbar segments to right click. Everything here is taken from windows 7 PCS [MY VIRTUAL MACHINES] Upcoming - More Windows - Fake windows 10 upgrade box, and upgrade Current Features - Scratch cat crash - Wallpaper changing - Refresh - Start menu - Shutdown and restart - File explorer - Personalize - Right click - Music [Click Windows Media Player] - Notifications - Welcome Screen - DobiBackgrounds [AKA Personalize] - Tutorial [Click question mark] - End Session [Desktop] - Close all [Desktop] - Insane Cat [Coffee cat, Desktop]

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