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i made changes in this game again Maker Controls: Movement: WASD or Arrows Switch Tools (PLACE or ERASE): Q Open Item Inventory: I Navigate Menus: Scroll Wheel or Click On Screen. Move Faster: Hold Space while Moving. Use the On-Screen buttons to Select Items or Menus. Player Controls: Movement: WASD or Arrows Sprint: Hold Space Jump: W or Up Arrow Crouch / Slide: S or Down Arrow Pickup Item: Space Use Door: S or Down Arrow Use Pipe: WASD or Arrows in direction of entrance. Each Powerup has different Movement capabilities, experiment with them to find out how to use each one. Kirby's Dreamland 3 Maker out now: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/688798402/ if slow or not loading try this link https://turbowarp.org/748217659

Notes and Credits

new ground blocks https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/536337/

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