V1.9.0 NEW FEATURE: Hit window size, you can make the hit window bigger. Made it to where you can show AND hide the hit window while game is running. changed editor notes and fixed bugs.
V1.8.0 part 3: made the bot command a permanent setting fixed bugs with part 1 and 2. made open notes worth more points and included open note flames into flame on/off. btw I shipped all of 1.8.0 in an hour.
V1.8.0 part 2: the part 1 update made open notes weird so I fixed it and the open notes no longer change size.
V1.8.0 MAJOR UPDATE part 1: new feature: show hit window. bug fix with the open notes. ALSO, flames are now able to be turned off and on as a permanent setting.
V1.7 MAJOR UPDATE new feature: note size, bug fixes, max note speed +2 multiplier name changed to X. hit window fixed to prevent spamming and fixed to be possible again
V1.65 Star has been added.
V1.60 flames can be turned off, and fixes.
V1.56 finally figured out anchoring so there's anchoring for green and red.
V1.5 FIRST MAJOR UPDATE added open notes and made the window smaller. unfortunately, you can still spam or slide tap and hit the open notes and everything else. Open Notes have been added in the editor, and in song 1.