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Use WASD to move The 'LEFT' and 'RIGHT' arrow keys to look around Press the 'UP' arrow key to jump You can enable 'MOUSE' controls in settings Press 'P' to pause and change the game settings Use the 'SPACE BAR' to shoot Press 'R' to reload Pointer TurboWarp: https://experiments.turbowarp.org/pointerlock/693486864 Regular TurboWarp: https://turbowarp.org/693486864

Notes and Credits

Grifpatch obviously! His lessons are incredible and I wouldn't be able to know this technology existed without him! Version 1.60 * Added Jumping * Updated game over screen * Refactored private variables Version 1.56 * Added smart frame rate * Added pointer lock functionality for TurboWarp * Added Toasts * Tips now appear to help guide you Version 1.55 * Integrated mouse movement * Added looking up and down * Fully integrated enemy health bars * Improved speed Hotfix 1.55.3 * Can toggle mouse movement from the menu * Added folders to the project file * Clean up code HUGE thanks to GarboMuffin (the creator of turboWarp ) I'm proud of this project. Using raycasting in this dinky platform, gave me numerous obstacles and technical challenges!

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