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Notes and Credits

Blube In "Nature Nuisance" By CoolDude_Meh Inspired by the game Cuphead BEFORE YOU PLAY... If there are question marks, play in Turbowarp of Forkphorus because the project is extremely large and doesn't load correctly on the scratch website. TURBOWARP LINK: https://turbowarp.org/679982930 FORKPHORUS LINK: https://forkphorus.github.io/?webgl#679982930 Sorry for the project's long loading time! There is over 20,000 blocks of code in here! Don't worry - There is a tutorial! Also there's an auto shoot option in the menu... if you want to try that! This project took several months to complete, but it is now finished and I hope it runs well! Tell me if there is any glitches or bugs. Thank you so much @drippyhh, @imcool2773, @flyingwaffleiron6-9, @mrNugget000, and @Mr_Fruitman for helping me with this project! #games #trending

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