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Press Green Flag for Basic Alert Type See inside to change EAS Screens **VALID TONES, DON'T PLAY OVER EAS EQUIPMENT, If you have it..** Perfect for EAS Scenarios and Mocks **Scratchers Note** My Watermark is on the screens, but you can remove it in the editor. If you want to remix this project, Make sure to change something and give me credit. Running Slow? Use it on Turbowarp! https://turbowarp.org/620861939

Notes and Credits

Credit to all! Made by @RocketIke4449 I don't own FEMA, NOAA, FCC, Apple and DIRECTV Scratchers Note - OK, this was sitting in my Unshared Projects list since 2021. Might as well be time to show this to the world. --/UPDATE LIST\--- V1.0 Uploaded V.1.1 Added PBS Style Screen Added Blue Screen Of ALERT V1.2 Added 3 new screens and a VHS Effect Fixed the Common in other states screens and other screen related to it. V1.3 2 New scrolls and the Black Common Scroll Fixed 75 Views WOOOP WOOOOOP!! 80 VIEWS IN 1 DAY? HOLY MOLY!!! V1.4 Alert Ready Stuff has been added. I will continue to make normal EAS screens tho. 90 VIEWS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1PRiHEHJd8) V1.5 Scrolling Alert Ready Screen Emergency Broadcast System Color Bar Screen 1997 Screens Fixed (Statement, Watch and Warning) 100 VIEWS!!!! FINALLY!! My 2nd MOST POPULAR PROJECT! 120!! 130!!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1PRiHEHJd8 145!! V1.5.2 DAS a DEC Screen 150+!!!!!! V1.6 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/724284711 V1.7 J-ALERT ADDED V1.7.5 Fixing Names 171 VIEWS V1.7.6 Some Bug Fixes 175. No! 180! V1.7.7 Bug Fixes... 190!!!!!!!! V1.8 200 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Video Data Systems Update Sequel Coming Soon (Trailer in progress) MOST POPULAR PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAME Header Changed V1.8.1 New EBS Screen and another VDS Screen V1.8.5 Singapore Update Trailer Secret. V1.8.8 Giant Grey DASDEC screen V2.0 300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOO Singapore EAS V2.1 400!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alerta Sismica White EASyPlus Gorman-Redlich Ext Character Generator V2.3 Bugs have been fixed New EBS Screen V2.5 HEARST Update Green Screens V3.0 Final Update Renamed To EAS Maker Legacy EAS Maker 2 Release https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/952844701/

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