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WARNING: I changed a few words that he speaks because of scratch rules SPAM THE [[HES CAPTURED THE FLAG QUICK GET HIM]] Z - next text/select | X skip/back/slow down | press 1 for help (Because i can't put F1 on scratch) arrows to move the [[HeartShapedObject]] play in full screen if the game is slow play here : https://turbowarp.org/603088103

Notes and Credits

OH! WELL IF IT ISN'T MY FAVORITE [[Loyal follower]]! I'D LIKE TO TAK3 THE CHANCE TO THANK ALL THE [[Scr4tch3rs]] WHO H3LP3D TO RECR34T3 MY BOSS FIGHT. I THINK THIS FIGHT IS R3ALLY SOMETHING SPECIAL AND IT WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE WITHOUT YOUR SUPPOR7!!!!! credits: Deltarune team @tripoid @poriroido @ULTRAMEGADUCKBORI1O @kashu2403 and other assets by me get deltarune here: https://deltarune.com/ CHANGE LOG: V0,1:Added Kris and Spamton V0.2:Start make the texts and the attacks v0.3:Start Work On Act And Spare V0.4:Start Make the Cutscene V0.5:Finished Cutscene v0.6 i improve the attacks and i resolve a attack bug v0.7 i fixed many things also you can press x to back on "items" and "act" And added check v0.8 : finished deal options ,fixed some attacks finished healdeal and Kris hp and tp fixed v0.9 first ending finished enemy select finished V1 : All Endings finished but.. the menu texts is not finished v1.1 : faster texts v1.2 : shake effect and act animation on spamton turn and all menu texts finished v1.3: Better mini spamtons attack v1.3.1: bugs fixed v1.4: New UI, resized sprites, Better Spamton Angel, v1.4.1: Bugs fixed ...added a extra text on fight ending i know this is not have on original game but i wanted put here... hope you enjoy... anyways box bug (A little) fixed v1.4.2: Mini spamton size fixed ;D (i saw that people is having bugs with box size) To add (Upcoming maybe): Correct bubble texts New text cutscene engine improvements #Games #DeltaruneChapter2 #Spamton #Kromer #Deal #BIGSHOT #TobyFox

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