• This is part 3 of The Itch Arc animation series. https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/29761306/
• Watch Part 1:
• Taking too long to load or crashing? Reload the page multiple times or watch this on Turbowarp until it loads for you. It is heavily recommended to watch it on Turbowarp. You must have a good computer for it to load. This project has 1,800+ assets. Please don't comment about this.
Turbowarp Link:
• There will be question marks. They are a known issue on scratch. They can show up if a project has a lot of assets. Watch it on turbowarp or reload the project until they don't show up.
• The group decides to go to the mall and visit the Scratch Week event. What can possibly go wrong?
• This is for a contest by @PaddlerGames. I won and I got 1st place! :)
• I also had to rush this for the contest.
Forkphorus has a different text to speech.
There are a lot of bugs and the animation quality is bad because of the project storage but I cannot fix it because the storage of the project is too big. I will try to make projects with less storage but longer.
You can also use turbo mode to go through the loading process.
• This was made in a period of 1 month. This project was started on June 5, 2021 and finished on July 10, 2021, 1 hour before the contest ended. I worked extremely hard on this.
Credit to the Original Characters:
Images from other scratchers:
TurboWarp is a Scratch mod that compiles projects to JavaScript to make them run really fast. Try it out by inputting a project ID or URL above or choosing a featured project below.