A full port of Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green for Scratch. Please ♥️⭐
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because the game is so large sometimes Scratch can't load all the assets. If you get random gray question marks you can try reloading, but if that doesn't work please play on Turbowarp and it should work.
For Turbowarp users please consider ♥️⭐ on Scratch:
Arrow keys - move
Space bar - interact/select
X - open menu
-------------------------about saving-------------------------------
This game uses a password system, the passwords can get rather complex so I recommend you take a screenshot. There are a lot of variables so it's impossible to totally save everything in a password, that being said this is what is and isn't saved.
Is saved:
-Party Pokemon (levels and shinyness)
-Caught Pokemon in the Pokedex (1 copy of each will be placed in the box)
-Key items and Master ball
-Money (rounded down to nearest $10)
-Story Progress
-General Location (usually returned to the beginning of the area)
-Boy/Girl choice
Not saved:
-Levels, shinyness, and duplicate Pokemon in the box.
-Consumable items (but they are converted to money)
-Exp towards the next level for party pokemon.
-Current HP of Pokemon (HP is fully restored)
-Picked up consumable items (you can pick them up again)
-Battle Tower record
Lastly, this game took me 2 years and 100s of hours to make, please do not steal!