Hey y'all! Just wanted to make a small update to my Undertale engine. Hopefully you all enjoy it, though it's very minimal at best.
Turbowarp is recommended:
Gamejolt Release (Not entire link:)
Outdated Build:
(Original Base soul physics, green monster HP bar, and text engine made by Griffpatch)
v1.21 (Code Cleanup Update & Gamejolt Release!)
- Removed and renamed all unused variables (those must've been really confusing, I'm sorry about that)
- Turned most "for all sprites" variables into "for this sprite only" variables to save space
- Fixed the battle box transitions a bit more
- Improved the Blue Soul hitbox
- Monster names turn yellow in Fight and Act Commands when they are sparable now
- Cleaner soul transition when Monster turn begins (it just disappears and goes into the box when it finishes transitioning)
v1.2 (Platform & Box Transition Update!):
- Added the platforms from Sans's fight (Green and Pink)
- Added transitions to the battle box for a less janky-looking experience
- Ported in the third version of my Undertale Text Engine, free for use here: