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https://turbowarp.org/1052340233 - Use TurboWarp for better fps and visuals - Use google chrome for better performance Please read the help below, and comment how far you got! * Controls: - Move: arrow keys / WASD / ZQSD - Punch: left click - Block: space bar / 0 * Cheats (temporary): - Zoom in/out: + / - - Spawn any monster: X - Give yourself experience: E - Time cheat: V (press multiple times) * The main goal of this game is to get stronger, with no limits to how powerful you can become, however enemies get stronger almost exponentially. There is no save in this game, once you die you have to start over. * Levels & Attributes Collecting gems and defeating monsters will make you level-up. Each level-up lets you upgrade your attributes, (in the menu bottom left). You can switch your attributes in the start menu (fist button) * Fighting The red bar above your head shows your health. The blue bar is energy, which is used when you attack. Both ressources are regained every few seconds. Blocked attacks deal 50% less damage by default. * Map On the top left corner of the screen, there's a minimap that shows you where entities are. If you feel strong enough, head in the right direction to find the next area, and stronger monsters. You can do that indefinitely as there is an infinite number of areas! * Leaderboard: Won't be updated until scratch fixes their cloud. Doesn't work on turbowarp since cloud data is only retained for a few seconds on there.

Notes and Credits

https://turbowarp.org/1052340233 The game is blurry and can be low performance on Scratch. Use TurboWarp instead (link above). Playing on google chrome can also signficantly increase your fps. This project is my second successful replica of a once famous internet game (slain.io) which disappeared about 7 years ago. Nearly all the work was done by me, from collecting the old game data to making this work on scratch. [ Updates ] (not everything is listed): 22/02/2025 -> 24/02/2025: Menu is white and looks more like og slain.io. Slasher fist size is better. Leaderboard is level-based and not area-based. Fixed rectangle drawing to have both benefits of the old and new way. Button pen shadows are now based on the menu color. 20/02/2025: - Changed some colors (menus, minimap, exp bar...) - Rectangles can now have rounded corners: buttons and menus are now rounded ! 19/02/2025: - Leaderboard has 20 spots (still doesn't work because scratch cloud is down), added pages on the menu - Critical chance and critical power now work - Changed some colors in the menu 18/02/2025: - Username is shown on attributes menu, other things 17/02/2025: - Fixed bug with sprite moving function (health bars are rendered correctly again) - Added hitnumbers for damage and healing ! They should be close enough to og slain.io in size, color, duration (on scratch they are 2 times bigger to be visible) - Added leaderboard (5 spots) (will never work on turbowarp, AND scratch cloud servers are down so... no leaderboard for now.) 16/02/2025: - Attributes menu is 2 times more opaque and buttons look like "+" like in og slain.io - Fixed a bug where caterpillar segments stayed alive if the head died while changing areas 14/02/2025: - Added minimap prototype, shows the whole area 13/02/2025: - You can close the attributes menu (this improves the fps) - Fixed a problem with the rectangle engine (removed the white line at the top of the screen) - Simplified / fixed the code for the screen aspect ratio - Caterpillars do not stall when head dies - Blue crashers have more accurate size - Added some temporary cheats (key E, key X) 11/02/2025 -> 12/02/2025: - You can now use nearly any attributes (use the options menu to do so) - The experience bar now looks even better (mostly on turbowarp) - Caterpillars segments behavior has been changed - Many small fixes - Mob size should be more accurate in the early areas - Mob size might now be less acurate in higher areas - Armor and armor penetration of monsters is now nearly the same as in og slain.io - Menus are now slightly bigger on scratch for better readibility - Attribute menu now looks more like og slain.io - Changed the name of the start button (only on scratch) so that my project doesn't get flagged for being "violent". - EXP given by monsters scales with the area 02/02/2025 ? -> 10/02/2025 - Monsters have closer stats to the original game. The tier 3 crasher has nearly the exact same damage as og slain.io, at least up to area 89. The attack speed of monsters is exactly (?) the same as og slain.io. - Monsters spawn in the same areas as the original game - Grow smoothly when upgrading health, instead of instantaneously - New caterpillar monster - Mostly fixed the layer system, it still doesn't work if you spawn dozens of entities in quick successions, but that will never happen in-game. - The experience bar is now smooth and looks closer to what it should be. - The health bar is now the exact same size and RGBA color as og slain.io, its background was removed too. 31/01/2025 -> 01/02/2025: - You can now open the options menu for attributes in the start menu (blue button) - Added fist to the blue button (same image as the original slain.io) - Black borders should now hide enemies and other things again (renderer wasn't up-to-date with the layering system) - Made attributes menu bigger on scratch so that you can decipher what's written... 29/01/2025 -> 30/01/2025: - After using old videos and regression tools, added replica of slain.io slasher damage for tiers 1 and 3 up to area 14 (after which damage is too low) - Added attribute names to the attribute upgrade menu (this lowers performance even more on scratch) - Improved the start menu by adding fist icon and Slay! text - Fixed armor penetration attribute being linear and not rational - Added attr. level limit to the attr. up. menu ... (character limit) 06/08/2024: - added one-way soft collisions from player to monsters 01/08/2024:-> 06/08/2024: - initial phase: rectangle and lines drawing engine, ... - lots of other things

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