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Credit to @-Rex- for PTE++ ( https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/406678232/ ) Click the Flag to start the simulation/minigame.

Notes and Credits

-=Notes=- Earlier, I was thinking about MMV3 with more players, and then adding the entire cast to it randomly came to my mind. I at first thought this wasn't going to be much but during development, it was a whole lot more. We went from 5 to 20 players adding 15 of my OCs who had never participated in an AY before. This took a total of 3 days and doing this wasn't very easy... The running animations were the hardest part of it. I also decided to exclude Stick because he's mainly the "Playable" guy and not one of the CPUs. -=Credits=- All original assets belong to their rightful owners, this includes Images, Sounds, or Soundtracks. Credit to @ZYellow for the base of this project and MMV3 in general. Credit to @-Rex- for the PTE++ ( https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/406678232/ ). Credit to @Noahsaturn & @jasonfaro2015 for their characters (2). Credit to @Sanic-_- for the custom Baloo Font ( https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/505675655/ ). Credit to @Burgnew_On_A_Laptop for the explosive marble's new explosion effect.

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