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Hello and welcome to another animation! (Double click the green thingy). And ,woo, this animation was fun to make! In this case I did a meme (read credits below) 'cuz I was too lazy to voice act and stuff. Well, I hope this one gives you a smile on your face. =) In this animation, Jake asks his Dad about the symptoms he's been having lately - and Jake finds out (maybe). Loved by: @TurtleAnimator21 @Little-Whisker Loved and faved by: @KayGames123

Notes and Credits

I hope you enjoyed that animation, and if you did, make sure to love/fav/follow. (if we get to 2K by the end of March then I'll do something special, BRUH! WE DID?!) CREDITS: @-BoyMcBoy- for audio and inspiration in the end. (John Mulay* made it) and YOU for watching ;) Anyways, that's it! PEACE AnimatorExpands #animations #all #art #music #stories #AnimatorExpands #Nate #Music #jake #Funny #BMB #4wtp #the #Dadstuff #lazy #nate #Dad #animations #popular #trending #thelazy #undertale

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