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---------------------------Player 1 (Frisk)-------------------------- Z: advance text and fight. X: heal (in phase 1 and 2). --} this actions have cooldown! ---------------------------Player 2 (Sans)-------------------------- PHASE 1: --} Sans will dodge the first attacks --} If you slice him 1 time you win!...phase 1 V: random blasters that home into you. B: left gaster blasters. N: right gaster blasters. M: up gaster blasters. F: random gaster blasters. G: 7 mini gaster blasters. H: up and down bones. J: 2 gaster blasters that point to you W.A.S.D: change gravity 1: red soul. 2: blue soul PHASE 2: --} Sans will block your attaks a few times. --} Make Sans use his SPECIAL attack. --} The attacks adapts to the screen direction. SPACE BAR: switch screen direction. C: mini gaster blasters that point to you. V: 2 mini gaster blasters with random time to shoot. B: bone colours. N: gaster blasters that point to the center. M: side gaster blasters F: 2 big gaster blasters H: bones and push H: mini random gaster blasters. W.A.S.D: change gravity 1: red soul 2: blue soul PHASE 3: --} In this phase you can only use one attack at the same time (you can't spam). --}The player cant heal during this phase. --} Also player one has to SURVIVE to win. Z: BIG gaster blasters that point to you slowly. X: small gaster balsters that point to you quikly. V: mini gaster blasters. B: other mini gaster blasters. N: different bones. M: gaster blaster jumpscare W,A,S,D: change direction with fast bones. F: timed gaster blaster. G: 3 mini gaster blaster (new ones). H: normal sans bones attack. J: not normal sans bones attack. K: circle bones + gaster blasters E;R,T,Y;U: DIfferent gaster blaster combos. SPACE BAR: creepy face. GOD THAT WAS A LOT OF WRITTING!!!

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