★★★★ The Scratch Team has spoken ★★★★
"The thinking on the moderation staff, at the moment, is that Scratch extensions should stay over on the ScratchX.org site"
★★★★ So here you go: ★★★★
★ Video:
★ Info - Box2D is an open source 2D physics engine used in a lot of games on the internet.
★ Keys - left & right arrow keys - Green flag to reset...
★ How does it work?
Well basically, you have your sprites in scratch (making sure that each one has i's own variable with it's name in. Then my griffpatch messaging extension loads the box2d javascript library and adds blocks to scratch that let you map each sprite in scratch with a physical body in box2d. Then box2d does the leg work, and you just read back the new positions and rotations of the sprites.
★ Credit for box2d go to Erin Catto