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Notes and Credits

Taenk arras.io 2: https://scratch. mit.edu/projects/1029960780/ ----------------------------INSTRUCTIONS---------------------- (Scroll down for news) wasd to move - e to shoot continuously until pressed again - c to spin until pressed again - space to talk - click to shoot - t for class tree until pressed again - u to show history of game - `2 to access beta tester (if you are in the beta tester list) ---------------------------CUSTOM TANKS---------------------- Annigun: Like Anni but shoots faster (Branches on Anni). Nuker: Like a bigger cheese (Branches on Big cheese And Anni). Feeder: Spawn polygons (Branches on Smasher And Director). Squisher: A more powerful anni (Branches on anni). Reloader: A better streamliner (Branches on Streamliner). Guncannon: 2 guns mixed with 2 cannons (Branches on Triple shot). DirectorGun: A faster shotting Director (Branches on Director). Laser: just a laser (branches on Minigun). Cooler: like a "little" stronger minigun and freezes polygons (Branches on minigun). Lancer: has a spike instead of a cannon (Branches on basic). Broom: a stronger lancer (Branches on lancer). Vacuum: a stronger broom (branches on broom). Shower: A better lorry (Branches on lorry). --------------------------CREDITS---------------------------------- (Flinger tank credits to Daniel) (Lancer credits to Woomy arras.io) ---------------------------TAGS-------------------------------------- #All #Games ---------------------------OTHER----------------------------------- Thank you Anson and Daniel, please love and favorite the project. NEWS==================================== TAENK ARRAS.IO 2 IS NOW OUT!!!1!!1!!

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