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Notes and Credits

Thanks to @griffpatch, @Jurassic_world123, @TheMobileGames, @chessproking-tm and @scratchactics Important!! Any worlds created prior to 1.11 will not load in versions 1.11 and up. However, I am working on a program to convert older worlds to 1.11 so keep them in your files. Sorry for any inconvenience. Any world created in 1.8.0 not load in any version other than 1.8.0 Thank you all so much for 4100 views!!! Changelog 13/12/23 - (V1.8.0) Initially release 17/12/23 - (V1.8.1) Changed elytra acceleration Altered how armour takes durability damage structures will now generate less frequently Fixed some bugs related to shulker boxes (they now work in creative) Fixed some bugs related to saving the game 5/1/24 - (V 1.9) Added potions for effects that already existed in the game but didn’t have potions. Added the effects of night vision and invisibility along with their respective potions. Added the blindness effect which is obtained by crafting a suspicious stew with a pink petal. Added the ‘A furious cocktail’ advancement. Updated a lot of textures. Fixed lots of bugs, most notably I’ve fixed a bug that would cause worlds to not load when being reloaded. 1/2/24 - (V1.10) Spiders now have a 10% chance to spawn with one of the following effects: Speed - 40% chance Strength - 20% chance Regeneration - 20% chance Invisibility- 20% chance Added the /effect clear command Added the /effect give <effect> <duration> <level> command Added the absorption effect - required for the ‘how did we get here’ advancement Added the health boost effect - only accessible through the /effect give command and is not required for the ‘how did we get here’ advancement Added rabbit stew - required for the ‘a balanced diet’ advancement Changed how mobs hit boxes work Falling blocks now break when falling on a non solid block such as torches Added procedurally generated treasure bastions which will replace 50% of fortress spawns. Changed how loot is distributed within chests upon generation Added some new sounds Updated lots of textures Added wither roses - obtained by the wither killing any mob other than itself You now need to hold the eat key down for 1.6 seconds in order to eat food 4/3/24 - (V1.11) Experience now drops as orbs, instead of just immediately giving you experience, at specific integer values. Reduced the amount of damage mobs do in survival mode. Added hardcore mode. In hardcore mod mobs deal the same amount of damage as they used to in survival mode. In hardcore mode you cannot respawn and can only use commands such as /biome or /debug. Hardcore mode has a unique heart model. Added lapis lazuli - can be crafted into blue dye, and can be used for enchanting Changed the frequency at which ores generate at. Completely revamped the enchanting system - every enchantment now have multiple levels except for mending and silk touch. Added enchantment tables All enchantments ,except for mending, can be obtained via the enchanting table. Enchanted books in structures now have a random enchantment with a random level applied to them upon generation Ruined portals now contain enchanted tools and armour enchanted the same way enchanted books are Enchanted items in end citys are now enchanted with a random level 22-30 enchantment. Playing bookshelves around an enchantment table increases the quality of the enchantments given, capping at level 30 By placing 5 bookshelves around an enchanting table, the enchanting table reaches level 30. Added the smite, bane of arthropods, fire protection, blast protection, projectile protection, unbreaking and impaling enchantments. You can now combined two items of the same type to repair them and keep all their enchantments using an anvil. Putting an enchantment item in a grindstone removes all enchantments from that item. Fixed numerous bugs Beacons now give off a light level of 15 Added the /enchant <enchantment> <level> command

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