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★_-[Whats new]-_★ 12/30/23 The game is now official as I now have ownership of it 12/14/23 the game has been moved to gamejolt, if you want more of this game I suggest you go there. 12/13/23 Kredit update Revamped the warning screen Added the credits added a little switch animation to the renders added a few more music tracks (as usual) added a few more bonus renders added agony render 12/12/23 2015 NBD Update added a warning screen Added New Music to the radio updated the background added new things to the archives Revamped all the NBD 2015 renders Fused the plus mode and legacy mode buttons into one, (use the W and S keys to change the version) Updated Ink-Blot Willy's render to have fixed textures Updated emerald mouse render Updated the TOY render for 5.0 added toy render for TI: 2016-2018 and 6.0 ★_-[previous updates]-_★ 12/1/23 NBD Revamped update Completely revamped the radios music selection added shade Oswald in remasted 2.0 Added mickey to the remasted 3.0 section added a certain oddity to the bonus renders section rerendered every single render in the following games ★Oblitus Casa 2015★ ★NBD 2016★ ★NBD Halloween★ added the following games ★NBD 2 troll game★ ★Oblitus casa 2018★ ★Green Oddities★ 11/22/26 Added a preview image on the select screen updated the end game animation readded the end game for legacy mode Added The archives Added Plus Mode 11/22/23 Rerendered every single character render Fixed the track displayer The following game characters were added ★Addendum: Discovery Island★ And a few bonus renders 11/10/23 Added a menu revamped the extras menu to be a lot more clean Revamped the End Game Button Removed the drop-down menu Completly Redid the radio Removed the notepad The following game characters were added ★TI: 2016-2018★ ★Red Oddities★ ★Red Oddities 2018★ And a few bonus renders

Notes and Credits

★_-[Links]-_★ Go check out the original Project! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/817792624/ Go check out the Official Revivals Demo! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/860836357/

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