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WASD - movement Click on screen when equipping flashlight to use flashlight Click on screen when equipping shakelight to charge it E - hide in lockers/pickup batteries space - ninety (PC ONLY) 1 - equip flashlight (if ur lazy to click on icon) Multiverse Mode entities include: Roblox doors rooms: -A-60 -A-90 -A-120 Interminable Rooms: -A-10 -A-35 -A-80 -A-100 -A-120 (From IR) -A-150 -A-183 -TLUB-120 -A-221 -A-245 -A-246 -A-258 -A-278 -ULB-278 -TLAB-278 -A-300 -A-332 -A-350 -X-10 -X-35 -X-60 Rooms (By nicorocks5555): -A-60 (Classic) -A-200 Roblox Doors: -Rush -Ambush Fan-made: -Depth

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