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have you ever watched an object show and said "dang, if only (insert character) had stayed in longer! they were my favorite character!"? yeah neither have i btw don't expect too many updates ---------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATES (M/D/Y) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1/22/2024: created 2/19/2024: added BFDI 2/20/2024: added BFDIA 7/1/2024: fixed a bug where if the rejoiner (pre-split) got re-eliminated in pre-split again, it would show their original team UFE ---------------------------------------------------------------- BUGS ---------------------------------------------------------------- - pressing one of the buttons while they're moving stops the other one - in early bfdi, the team that gets a rejoiner doesn't light up green (not really a bug, just me being lazy lol) - if the winner of post-split joins TPOT, they'll show before they actually join

Notes and Credits

jacknjellify for BFDI, BFDIA, BFB, the characters, and the BFB soundtrack kevin macleod for the BFDI and BFDIA soundtrack @lucasissogood for helping me get the BFDI characters whoever made the menu theme lol V1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/898629674/

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