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You got a job to work as scratchy newest night guard. You job is to survive the Aimtronics for 6 nights.it will take you 2 minutes per night. it will take you 12 minutes to complete the game. The custom night is Now Finish. When You Die or beat the nights you create a password and it give you a code so the next time you play this game you can continue where you left. FNAS 2 Out https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/919440957

Notes and Credits

Thanks for 967 views, goal 1000 #Games FNAS 2 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/919440957 If there any Bugs please let me know V1.07 Fixed Nights 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Custom Nights PLS Don't Remix Unless You Change Something FNAS 2 (99%/100%) Finish when You die or beat the game you create a password and a code which you want to remember so when you play the game you don't have to restart to night 1 Thanks dkuniverse for the template

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