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vanilla completion to save a score ------------------------------------------------------------------ My Pbs: The Nights* - 113,848 96.27% (S+) (FC) Brainiac Maniac - 158,007 90.61% (A++) My Heart - 328,358 85.33% (A+) Delete - 181,172 71.95% (B) Miku - 88,400 82.82% (A) Dynamite - 405,983 93.31% (S) 1 good eeeeee Flight - 533,560 90.35% (A++) 13 - 131,504 91.49% (A++) Invincible - 110,785 79.40% (B) To the Stars - 130,149 84.16% (A) Highscore** - 269,487 79.65% (B) *Had a troll "judge 0" 120,040 rip turns out you can rescore judges :( **240fps Feedback on charts & difficulty rating appreciated Difficulty ratings - don't trust them Delete! post drop and end are mental

Notes and Credits

All songs credited in project (11/12) Changelog: 1.2 - Added 3 new charts: Brainiac Maniac - Laura Shigihara Invincible - Deaf Kev (NCS Release) To the Stars - Braken (Monstercat Release) 1.1.2 - Recent scores are here! 1.1.1 - Fixed the accuracy record 1.1 - Top scores for each chart, current setup can have 45 charts with 5 slots for "other purposes" 1.0.1 - Added 13 - Astronaut (FlashYizz Remix) 1.0 - Release

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