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Notes and Credits

NO ADS all ads will be reported. Don't report my ads because its my game ;-; Controls Press space or click or up arrow or W to jump/use orbs. To pause press P or click the pause button. ------------------------------------------------------------------ For better performance use turbowarp. https://turbowarp.org/915587918/fullscreen?clones=Infinity --------------------------------------------------------------- Geometry Dash WORLD! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/943608278 --------------------------------------------------------------- (I do take profile picture icon requests GO here https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/937276599 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (It might be a little laggy) Hello! This is my own version of Geometry Dash! I will make the full level of polargeist soon. I try to make at least one update per day. You may NOT use any of my costumes and code. -------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATES (In game) I will update this game today! ------------------------------------------------------------------ My studio where you can find all the games I make from all my accounts! https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34022288/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any ideas I should add, comment it! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/918705263 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shared Nov 01, 2023 (unshared/reshared) --------------------------------------------------------------- Copyrighted by @ZombieDragon09 Don't use my code or costumes

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