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===== FOR REMIX INSTRUCTIONS & RULES, SCROLL DOWN ===== Want to quickly get to the most recent remix? Click here for the remix tree: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/904512930/remixtree ===== HOW TO REMIX ===== Want to add a character to this project? Follow these instructions carefully to get them in: 1. Scroll down below these instructions & read the rules! Don't proceed until you've done this! 2. Click the green "Remix" button at the top-right corner. 3. Create your character! Just duplicate/copy the ''Player0'' and replace every costume in that sprite with your character, replace all "Voice" sound clips with your character's voice & set their name. 4. Test your project and if you like the result, either continue to add more characters or share it! BONUS: You're also allowed to add characters to the thumbnail & add more music tracks. It's pretty simple, just spin the wheel and hope you get an even number. If you get an odd number, you're out! The last one standing wins! ===== RULES ===== (don't break them) Only @TheStarSpirit, @Twin138956Scratch, @BarryFans, @Burgnew_On_A_Laptop, @Kyle3912Again, @YarikMyProject, @ZYellow, @ScratchTeen9300 and @OisinFan62, (as well as their other accounts) are allowed to break these rules. Rules marked with a (!) can only be broken by @TheStarSpirit, @Twin138956Scratch, @BarryFans @Kyle3912Again, @Burgnew_On_A_Laptop, @ZYellow, @YarikMyProject and @ScratchTeen9300. (!) 1. It is polite and REMIX ETIQUETTE to comment "Remixing..." in the comments before starting a remix, so people know not to accidentally split the remix tree's branches. If you don't intend to make a new remix branch, then don't remix if someone has commented "Remixing..."! (!) 2. DO NOT BREAK SCRATCH'S COMMUNITY GUIDELINES!! That means nothing too scary or vulgar & no swear words! (!) 3. Don't add or remove anyone from the breaking rules list without permission! Furthermore, don't delete any of these rules or instructions & don't completely change the project title either! (!) 4. Please make sure you credit @-Rex- for being the creator of the Pen Text Engine++ used in this project! ( https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/406678232/ ) If you don't want to type the credits, copy this template below and paste it into the Notes and Credits: Credit to @-Rex- for PTE++ ( https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/406678232/ ) 5. Don't delete or destructively modify anything you didn't make! You are allowed to do this if something breaks any rules or the Community Guidelines, if you need to fix a bug or glitch, or are adding a new feature to the project. 6. Please don't try to make your character(s) more powerful and likely to win than others. Everybody should have equal chances of winning! 7. Don't make your characters too large, that would make it hard to see. 8. I don't recommend adding any singular characters that appear to be 2 separate characters (EG: Mario & Luigi both as 1 player) unless they are stuck together with no feasible way to physically detach them. 9. Don't delete any music tracks unless they break the Community Guidelines. If you don't want to listen to a certain song or genre, utilize the "audio exemption" functionality to make sure you can't. 10. On the topic of music, please also refer to the Music comment's recommended music limit so that it can't have too much lag from this project. 11. You can add yourself to the thumbnail, but please don't delete any characters from it or completely change it altogether! 12. If you are part of the "breaking rules" list, you're allowed to add a new rule if needed. Remember to add it to both this comment and the project's instructions! 13. Do not add any static images for characters. (unless they are transparent sprites for video games) 14. Don't make your character tiny or giant, that will make it hard to see. If you break any of these rules, it may result in your remix being declared UNOFFICIAL and becoming abandoned. Make sure to double-check the rules just before you share the project!

Notes and Credits

===== WHAT'S NEW ===== = C1 joins the chance of the wheel spinning! = Many new music tracks has been added! = Removed unneeded assets to save space. (Sorry, I was too lazy to compress the music) = Fixed the positioning and code for Luzuko. C2A!!!!1!!!!! Also credit to @TVO-Kids-Team for previous remix and @TheStarSpirit for original project.

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