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GAME PROチーム(説明はスタジオで) https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34232883/ リミックスツリー https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/906102654/remixtree/ スイカゲームのスタジオ https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34073513/comments クリックした場所に果物を落とします。 同じ種類の果物が衝突すると次の果物になります English Watermelon Game Details |1141blocks |Shared Date 10/10/2023 See game for how to play. Words from the author I wasn't sure if I could make this game. but I'm glad I was able to make it! I tried to make it faithful to the original. There are some differences from the original. There are a lot of cherries and strawberries in the beginning. If you find any bugs, please let me know in the comments. If you make a watermelon, please comment! Please comment your score too! #PNFD521_cmk_ @PNFD521_cmk_

Notes and Credits

#スイカゲーム #世界記録 #面白い #ゲーム #フルーツ #流行

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