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Turbowarp - https://turbowarp.org/900738186?fps=60&hqpen&clones=Infinity&offscreen&limitless 2 levels in one day! Have fun! - @Classroom_GD Previous level. - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/900643245/ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Here are the results so far. What is the point of leaderboards? The main point of the leaderboards is for Scratchers to get the recognition they deserve. The number doesn't matter. You will still get recognition. RESULTS ------------------------------------- 1st: @-ProAviator- 2nd: @schildpadje123 3rd: @ASC-095 4th: @geometry_jump 5th: @DoorsLover14 6th: @geometrydash-creator 7th: @m8i 8th: @DoorsLover14 9th: @1danila12 10th: @Anyordinaryperson 11th: @GDShadowOfficial 12th: @Uilost09 13th: @JJ_0215 14th: @Fuzzy_is_here 15th: @TheRealFrostbit3 16th: @Keelhal 17th: @crcrcrcrcr7 18th: @VestedPlanet654 19th: @usernamewastaken1235 20th: @zorgon59 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #all #games #geometrydash #editor #update #miku #hatsune #hatsunemiku #mikumiku

Notes and Credits

Song: Atama no Taisou - Hatsune Miku Thanks to @CaptainFlufBall for Geometry Dash Revamped Credit to RobTopGames for original Geometry Dash

TurboWarp is a Scratch mod that compiles projects to JavaScript to make them run really fast. Try it out by inputting a project ID or URL above or choosing a featured project below.