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(You may be immediately jumpscared on starting, so just turn your sound down for 2 - 3 seconds.) EDIT: This has been fixed NOTE: This is a 2D side-view Interminable Rooms game that is a work in progress. Arrow Keys - Left / Right to Move E - Hide S - Sprint _____________________________________ MANY THINGS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. _____________________________________ - Things may be very glitchy; report them to me in the comment section down below! Good Luck :) If you wish to skip to the B-section (very unfinished) press the [2] key; [1] key brings you back to A-001

Notes and Credits

---------------------------- Changelog ---------------------------- V1.0 - Initial Release V1.1 - Added More Entities ^o^ V1.2 - Fixed Hiding Mechanics V1.3 - Added 2 New Entities (One is a Locker Checker :0 ) - Fixed Hiding Mechanics (again lol) - Added Room Variants! (4) - Added Room Counter - Added Sprint + Sprint Bar ;) V1.4 - Out of "TEST" :P - Added 3 New Entities! - Fixed Lighting Glitch - Fixed Locker & Entity Layering Glitch V1.5 - A-200 is currently broken :l - Fixed glitch allowing you to Hide Anywhere! - Added more room RNG V1.6 - Added a few more entities & fixed some things! - Added a hotbar...? V1.6.2 - Fixed A-200 (kinda..?) V1.7 - Added A-246 V1.7.1 - V1.7.6 (lost versions :( ) V1.7.7 - Fixed A-200 finally YAY!! - Added A-332 - Fixed A-221's Loud Sound - Fixed A-183 - Fixed A-150's despawn Sprite Glitch (kinda..?) V1.7.7A1 - Fixed Entity Listing V1.7.8 - Fixed Entity Spawning Times - Fixed A-100's Volume - Fixed A-332 not spawning after first spawn AAAA The Hiding Glitch is back :( V1.7.9 - Some Bugfixes lol V1.8 - V1.8.8 (THE JUMPSCARE UPDATE) - Added Entity Jumpscare Sounds - Added New Jumpscares - Removed A-20 (1.8) (R.I.P A-20; he will be missed.) - Fixed a few bugs V1.9 (THE ENTITY UPDATE) (oh boy, this is a long one) - Added an Entity - Fixed Jumpscares - Fixed Entity Spawnrate - Fixed most Entity glitches - Fixed Entity Sound - Fixed LQ - Redone A-221, A-246, & A-120's Glows - Buffed Sprint Meter - Added reset system! - Working on the hiding glitch again - Teaser...? - Working on fixing A-150's paper Glitch - Fixed A-200 again - Fixed A-332 (those dang aim scripts, am i right?) - Monitored the Entities to their prospective rooms V1.9.1 - Fixed Locker Checkers able to kill you no matter wat - Minor Bugfixes - A-100 has WAY more frames V1.9.2 err.404&% V1.9.7 - Fixed Entity Spawn Sound Glitch again - Added Paintings! - Added more Room RNG - Fixed Lighting Glitches for the 2nd time :) - X-120 Finally decided to make an appearance! - Made Lighting Darker - Redid A-35's Spawn sound - Redid A-60's Sounds V1.9.8 - Added some Entities & fixed things up :) - B-section added! V1.9.9A - Added B-10 - Added B-27 - Started on B-44 ----------------------------- V1.9.9B - Added B-44 - Added B-60 V1.9.9C - Added.. X-150....? V1.9.9D - Fixed X-150 - Bugfixes :) - Added A-278! Known Glitches: ----------------------------- - A-100 randomly kills you while hiding (working on) EDIT: - A-10 & A-332 kill you on starting (Fixed) ----------------------------- #interminablerooms #2d #horror #fangame

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