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Turbowarp Is Recommended: https://turbowarp.org/882524741?offscreen&limitless&clones=Infinity If you Remix this project please change something! (I hate when people remix and take full credit for it) WASD and Arrow keys to move left/right. Z to jump, X to breathe fire. On the world map, use Arrow keys to move, and Space to enter a level. For anyone wondering, yes, if you go into the code, you can hack into the level editor (at least what remains of it, I deleted almost all the editor code)

Notes and Credits

I saw an old NSBW remake project and decided to make a better one. Only World 1 is complete, World 2 is half-complete. This project uses the Super Bowser Maker 2 Level Engine(find credits for it there). Inspired by the fangame New Super Bowser World. Nintendo owns these characters.

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