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❗❗ -PLEASE READ EVERYTHING FIRST!- ❗❗ TurboWarp Link: turbowarp.org/874636892 -GAMEPLAY: DESKTOP CONTROLS: [ENTER] to start the game [Arrow Keys or WASD Keys] to move [Z or /] to sprint [X or .] to shoot fireballs [P] to pause the game (If you're invincible you lose it!) [M] to mute timer HANDHELD CONTROLS: You can toggle this by tapping on the coin found on the top of the screen. [Analogue Stick] to move and sprint [Tap] to shoot fireballs -LEVEL EDITOR: [0] to toggle level editor [L] to change levels [R] to reset level [I/O] to go previous/next tile [E] to select tile mouse is hovering over [1-9] for tile keymap [P] to select a specific tile -SPEEDRUN INFORMATION: Speedruns must be submitted with evidence to be verifiable. [T] to toggle timer [5] for current speedrun records (Warpless%) [6] for current speedrun records (Any%)

Notes and Credits

Released in 1985, Super Mario Bros. went on to become one of the most famous video games of all time. Remade for Scratch, experience the magic of the game once more! All 32 levels were recreated by me through hand, tile by tile. Credits: ©Nintendo - Super Mario Bros. (1985) @griffpatch - Tile scrolling engine, analogue stick @GamingWithDominic, @TTTEFanSQB - Platform collision The Spriters Resource - Sprites khinsider - Super Mario Bros. Soundtrack (composed by Koji Kondo) YOU! - For taking the time to play this!

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