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[Works on Mobile] Not all prismatic monsters have been added yet! Click the continent icon to breed monsters on the continent. Select a monster from that island to breed. Once that monster is done, you can either sell it (get rid of it) or teleport it to Space Island! Then you can start breeding all over again until you have them all. You cannot breed multiple monsters on the continent at a time. There is a 5% chance of getting a prismatic monster of any color. #mysingingmonsters #msm #dof

Notes and Credits

Pictures from the My Singing Monsters wiki page, and sounds from the game files. Project by @mysinginmonsters on Scratch. Feel free to use any sounds, scripts, or costumes from this project. Credit to @Stellaman2004 for monster sounds in this project. Party Island: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/858358554/ Cloud Island: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/943425776 Cave Island: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1141004611/ More islands: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32583086/ Check the studio for updates!

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