The Number Creatures series is an Emmy-award winning series of computer animated segments featuring stylized numbers ending from thirteen to twenty. The segments were written, directed and animated by Merrill Aldighieri, and were produced for CTW by Arlene Sherman. The music for the segments was composed by Fred Reed.
This segment is on the number fifteen. Which first appeared on Episode 2693: Gordon exits 123 Sesame Street to find a beat-up phone booth, and last appeared on Episode 3940: Alan offers to give his customers what they want, just the way they want it. It also appeared on Plaza Sesamo, but only on Episodes 801 & 970, it also appeared in Sesame English in Episode 133: Tingo's Crush (Tingo loses his backpack).
In this project, I remade it with
@bren319's Number Lore.
The original can be viewed here:
@bren319: The numbers
Arlene Sherman: The producer of the segments (R.I.P.)
Merrill Aldighieri (VJ
#1 on YouTube): The animator of the segments
Fred Reed: The maker of the music in the segments
You: For viewing this project