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ALL ADS WILL BE REPORTED So... I remade the Mario Bros. Plumbing Commercial teaser for the Super Mario Bros Movie, and put my own little spin on it! This took multiple days to make, so a like and/or favorite would be greatly appreciated. comment animations!! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/852180057/

Notes and Credits

@yourflez for og UPDATE: omg this on #animations ooooo= I have seen 2 copies of this. Its been bugging me. don't do any more I swear if I see another Super SUS bros. #sus #animations and #all #things #Mario #Bros #MarioBros #Plumbing #Ad #Giolaboman #Yourflez #Luigi #Sink #Trending #All #Animations #Art #Music #Stories #Trending #All #Animations #Art #Music #Stories #Trending #All #Animations #Art #Music #Stories

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