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WASD to move and space to dash. Also a bunch of extra sprites inside if u need em' but not all of them, I will add more in future updates. NEW UPDATE! (5/15/23) Press Q if you want to spawn a Bomb, sadly one at a time because im not good with clones in Scratch press R for sprites i made! new costumes were made so enjoy it! also, i added a new thumbnail, like it? new songs were added, so start vibing! WE ARE FINALLY BACK! 1/6/2024 This is a big moment, JSAB SIMULATOR IS FINALLY BACK ON SCRATCH! Thank you for all the support... With the views. This is currently my favorite and most viewed project yet! More updates soon! -Kirby617 In 2024 :) 1/7/2024: Terrible Mobile Controls, they aren't THAT bad. But the animations don't work, so being on PC is more recommended. Also, if you're reading this on mobile, sorry I have terrible mobile controls. -Kirby617 P.S: Press green flag to remove the mobile buttons :) 1/7/2024 (not really): Sprite and Form Update! This update includes: new sprites! Cyan "Till' Its Over" Form, and a new song: Long Live The New Fresh, so hope you enjoy this update! 1/10/2024: Sprite and Form Update #2! This update includes new sprites for: The Big Cube, The Sun, and more new sprites: The Helicopter, and The Boat! Bugfixes are here too! 1/10/2024 #2: Better Visuals! This update includes: Better trail, switched Helicopter and Boat to the first Misc Sprites sprite, made it so you can switch song on default instead of restarting over and over again. There are 1-6 songs, there is a button next to the slider, when you press it, it will switch the song according to the Song Variable number. 1/13/2024: Idk. Press E for the particles I guess? 1/14/2024: Song Update! I added like.... 5 more songs to sit and vibe to!! press R to see the order. Also I added more sprites cuz why not, am I right? Also this took ALOT of trial and error because I added WAY too many songs so I couldn't save, so PLEASE appreciate my hard work. -Kirby617 1/15/2024: Cleaning Update #1! This update includes: NEW LOGO! Removed the bomb mechanic, and some other cleaning. 1/16/2024: Cleaning Update #2 This update includes: Updated sprites for the Plants, and removed the old Plant Boss, you can still find it in the sprite. 2 Keybinds: Q for the boom boom line things like in Chronos or smth, and T to pull the player back like in Final Boss. ALSO, I ADDED THE HIDE/SHOW MECHANIC! It's in the bottom left if you SOMEHOW can't find it. 4/20/2024: We are back! Again.. We. Are. BACK!! I put in a new menu, so enjoy that fellow player. And I think that's it... A small update but a good one! Also, I can't believe I never updated this game in 3 months, sorry :( 7/7/2024: Better Visual #2! I haven't updated in 3 months again! Sorry everyone, But I made stuff look better! The dash, for the player. The main menu animation, and a new button! Settings, it's not working now, but it will soon. And made it so the mouse cursor gets a special effect. See you in the next update! 7/8/2024: NO MORE UPDATES... I'm sorry, but there's going to be no more update because my computer is absolute trash with this stuff. See you in my other projects, because this game is abandoned.

Notes and Credits

Thanks to Bezerk Studio for Just Shapes and Beats. Thanks to me for the coding And thank YOU for playing this game! #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music #games #all #art #music

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