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Notes and Credits

CUT! CUT! It's not your ordinary bloopers! It's outtakes, slash, bloopers! All characters belong to their rightful owners! SlatchTeam is a Scratch Series created by @Slatch12 and @sofia467745. It is a series full of amusing and cute Scratchers living their own lives! :) Whenever it's Cheshire getting his diaper changed, or BlingBunny getting loose, it's just their own privilege. There will be new characters circulating the whole series, if you don't know who they are, please try and look hard and get to know them! I first started the series after seeing Bloxburg Bedtime's second update. I replaced Jinja with Cheshire afterwards because she didn't fit in with the others. And this is how it all started. @sofia467745 loved my S12 is sleeping project, she made something that goes with "Bloxburg Bedtime" and is currently not updated yet, but still, we are working on it, and the episodes! Wiki Page: https://the-slatch-team.fandom.com/wiki/The_Slatch_Team_Wiki Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32648221

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