Share your save codes here:
For the best experience:
______________Computer controls:______________
-(right arrow) to turn right
-(left arrow) to turn left
-(up arrow) to increase the length of the laser
-(down arrow) to decrease the length of the laser
-(n) to create a new mirror
-(c) to change the color
-(d) to delete the selected mirror (works only on mirrors)
-(s) to get the save code
-(l) to load a save code
-(0) for dark mode/ light mode
-(m) to mute and unmute the music
________________Mobile controls:_______________
-Touch to rotate the selected object
-Trash can to delete the selected mirror
-mirror button (the blue line)
-red button (which changes color once pressed) to change the color of the laser
-plus sign (+) to increase the length of the laser
-minus sign (-) to decrease the length of the laser
-save button to get the save code
-load button to load a save code
- sun/moon button for dark mode/ light mode
All by me (removed a
@griffpatch tutorial)
-Press the computer sign to switch between mobile and computer controls.
-Press an object (mirror or laser) to select it.
-Drag the selected object to move it.
______________Next update MAY include:_________
-other items such as glass or bricks.
-other types of light.
-comment please if you find one.
-may glitch for a second when you make a new mirror.
-October 14, 2023: Removed bugs, made the level info list update quicker and with no glitches.
-October 13, 2023: bug fixes, dark mode, removed
@griffpatch's joystick, Added project to lasers studio.
-April 14, 2023: shared the project, after long work
-November 15, 2023: small update to remove lag/bugs when an improper save code is used.
-November 21, 2023: reshare after accidental unshare!!