WASD: move
S: Change phase
1/2: Change deity (Isothorn = 1, Brimm = 2, it changes how you phase)
M= mouse aimed
P= player-aimed
Q: penta-bone throw (P), 1.3 sec
E: Spinning bone barrage (M), 2 sec
R: Red mastery bone rise (Auto-aim), 4.1 sec
T: Deca-bone zone (M), 7.5 sec
Y: Red mastery hell (Auto-aim), 10 sec
Z: Blaster (M), 1.5 sec
X: Triple blaster (M), 3 sec
C: Deca-blasters (M), 10 sec
F: Gigantic blaster (M), 20 sec
G: Presence (N/A), 23 sec
Q: Air punch (M), 0.9 sec
E: Air pitch (P), 2.2 sec
R: Air hammer (P), 5 sec
T: Air kick (M), 3 sec
Z: Lightning bolt (M), 0.5 sec
X: Deca-lightning bolts (M), 4 sec
C: Zeus thunderbolt (P), 2.5 sec
V: ZEUS ROCKET (M), 7 sec
F: Z E U S T H U N D E R B O L T (P), one-time use, kills you and ends the project when it's done.
S: Hadese presence (0.2 sec cd, turns it on and off. When in presence, you move faster and jump higher, but cannot attack. Recommended to use with attack CDs on, since it's a bit buggy without them)
Q: Light sword throw (P, 0.3 sec)
E: Ground slam (N/A, 10 sec)
R: Light sword slash (P, 3 sec)
T: Triple ultimate punch (M, 1 sec)
Z: Crimson lightning (M, 5 sec)
X: Crimson rage (M, 15 sec)
C: Hephaestus flame (P, 1.2 sec)
V: Hephaestus downpour (N/A, 20 sec)
G: Eye of zeus (P, 50 sec)
F: U l t i m a t e strength (N/A, one time use, destroys the planet upon use)
It's finally done. You're all welcome for the painstaking amount of time that went into fixing and making this low-quality Omni-sans sim. New polls are gonna be released soon, so be ready. And there will be NO ALPHATALE CHARACTERS IN THAT POLL, I REPEAT, N O
A L P H A T A L E.
Press space to enable/disable cooldowns, although i HIGHLY recommend, if you want no CDs, to play this on turbowarp and turn on "infinite clones" in the advanced section. Base player and dummy code by PlsGiveMeT0es. Totally didn't steal the moon sprite from ClearMonocle. All other sprites and code is by me.
Phase 1 theme:
Phase 2 (Thorn) theme:
Phase 2 (Brimm) theme:
Also yes the thumbnail changes with each character
Edit: Fixed a few glitches which muted random songs and caused some random assets to glitch.
Edit 2: Replaced barrage with air kick