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REHOSTING ON @-Topaz_ Welcome to this Bristlefrost Map! -Rules- -This is a map that takes place in TBC, to join you must have read the series or be okay with the spoilers -You don't need to ask to make a TNE :,> -No forever or stop all blocks. -Consists of sad content, leave if it upsets you -Follow the refs and Script! -You have 2 weeks and a 1 week extension if needed -No animating or drawing or doing anything with the Backdrops<-cw in there -Must be a semi-experienced to Advanced animator to join -No begging or guilt-tripping -3 parts max per sign-uper -No put-downs on other's parts and no saying you're part is-"Horrible" -Only I can accept you or invite you into this M.A.P no one else can. -1 sprite per part but if you really need 2, go ahead -If I don't reply to your sign-up within 3 days, sorry, it's a polite No. -That's it! -Sign-up form- Username without @/Part or Parts wanted /Codeword or CW/Examples (At least 2)/Questions? -Invited sign-up form- Username without @/Part or Parts wanted/Questions? Side note-If you have a question or error about the script, ask me! Intro- @FluffBunCodes-done 1-@_Feefee-done 2- @--NicoDiAngelO-- 1 day 3- @night_tea-WIP-0 days 4- @Mooncake_Kitten-COLLAB NEEDED 5- @Princess_Silverstar-done 6- @-DustBunnii-done 7- @autumnwolf350-Collab with @PaNsEy-WIP-0 days 8-@MarshmallowFood-COLLAB with@-AdeliePenguin- 9-@MarshmallowFood-COLLAB with@-AdeliePenguin- 10-@_Bristlefrost- -10 days 11-@StarclanCats-done 12-@--NicoDiAngelO-- -done 13-@HalfmoonDragon-13 days 14-@KiraTheKitsune-done 15-@Warrior_Cats_2022-done 16-@Eclipse_the_Sylbreon-2 days 17-@ultraviolet27-done 18-@mooalmoo-Done 19-@-Floof-- -13 days 20-@Eclipse_the_Sylbreon-2 days 21-@Goldfeatherofshadow-0 days 22-@Rainbowcheetah3 -WIP 23-@Rainbowcheetah3 -WIP 24-@lightninq-Reserved-7 days End-@sharkyshar_lavagirl-done Backups @krm271krm271(Pinged abt collabs needed) @CherriiTea- @-Stellarlights- @frostynstuff

Notes and Credits

Song-Catabolic Seed by The Scary Jokes Inspiration-Bok Bok Choy's Bluestar PMV

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