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日本語 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/753406118/ ! This uses Google Translate! !Please comment on strange places! https://turbowarp.org/753406118/ (Turbo Warp is above) [1 to 9] - Select an item [click] -No/destroy [WASD] -From Walk/Jump [F] - Eat items [E] -Open/close inventory [E+some block] -On -off of door system, ON OFF such as pistons and livers, display/hide GUI such as chests and workbenches [Space] -Dassemble the stacked block [N] -Write letters in English on the signboard/chest [Q] -A discard the item [P] -Pausing/stop [T] -Comand/Talk [O] - Save [M] -Mute/not [Shift] - Sprint ![C] -Change the settings of some of the cutting boards. Click Manaita blocks are all appropriate tools and 2.5 seconds of bare hands. In addition, the cutting board plus is also 0 seconds. ~ Explanation of operations different from the original ~ Click on a plate ... You can increase the clicked one. Click clicked board blocks cannot be increased Click manaita block ... Share what you have with the E key Custom click manaita ・ ・ ・ Custom with F key Cutting Board ・ ・ ・ The craft is 64 times Portable work, a board ... Open with an E key Furnaces Cutting Board ... Pressing the E key with something that can be crafted and baked in an instant The source of the cutting board ... Click clicked, like a cutting board block, can be placed and can be 64 times the one you have with the E key. It disappears after 64 times. Click Cutting Board Mob ... You can increase the clicked Mob (original). You can get it by defeating the cheat Mob summoned with a bug. Bug Cutting Board ... Summon a bug -class MOB. Criceme = click Mana plate block emerald Source of cutting boards | Sources of cutting boards | Criceme | Criceme | Criceme Working cropping board | work cutting board | Wear all cutting boards ... Reduce all MOB damage without receiving a normal MOB proximity attack. The bow and arrow do not work. The blast does not work, and the fall damage is also disabled. In addition, magma and flame are also disabled. Cut board helmet ... there is no night vision effect. Leggings on a cutting board ... it's not transparent. Cut board's sword, paxel ... When MOB drops items when you have this, the drop items will be doubled. In addition, an uncertain drop product is also confirmed when MOB dies. Cut board tool ... dig with 3x3 or 1x1. It's faster to dig faster than creative !! There is no other ability. The AX of the cutting board is weak. Click on the plate and no enchantment For recipes, please sniff the Internet. Brewing plate = cooking board = work. tag #manaita #clickmanaita #manaitaplus Tips on how to defeat cheat mob My physical strength is 10,000. The bow and arrow will not work. It will lower the attack power of the cutting board. 500 damage with a sword on the cutting board. 650 damage in Paxel. The attack range is wide. If you use the piston well, you can beat it without being amazed.

Notes and Credits

Please report the bug ----------credit---------- Volunteer who made the original board MOD The person on the site explaining the Mana board mod (Texture from there) Mojang who made minecraft Thanks to GriffPatch who made the original Paper Minecraft V11.6 (Minecraft 2D). All graphics were acquired from the minecraft wiki page, not I created. I re -scaled and split them so that the game works, but at the moment. --------------------------------- Please share the remix after telling the change. Costume acclaimed cosmetic recruitment of shields on cutting boards

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