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Hello, this is another game I wanted to make. @majesticpie loved it!!!!!! So did @YesImSwag!!! @fatkidplayer did too!!!!!!!!!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Controls: Arrow keys, Space (for jump only), WASD +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Red is bad, Light Blue is water, Orange is Bouncy ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I hope this can be top loved or a least get front paged. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Notes and Credits

Announcements!!- None credit to @qwertybob1 for The Platformer game idea credit to @majesticpie for swimming functions Lots of updates soon to come. Here are some of them. CHANGE LOG (started 10/31/15 at 2:51 pm) V1.0-Release =) V1.1- More levels and health bar V1.2- More Levels Fixed Bug (Player wouldn't move) V1.3-Added Cheat Codes V1.4-Clone Trail V1.5- Boss is Done! FINALLY V2.0-Added poison, made levels harder, and added more and will be adding more!

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