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I STOPPED WORKING ON THIS, THERE WILL BE ZERO UPDATES. Feel free to remix it and make a full version if you want From deltarune: chapter rewritten Controls: Arrow Keys - Move soul and move through menus. Z Key - Select, fire shots, and advance dialogue, hold to fire a Big Shot. X Key - Cancel, slow soul movement, and speed up text. Z + Enter - Hold to enter Enraged Mode. Spams Big Shots but Spamton does more damage. 1 Key - Angel Spamton, only works once. Q - Skip intro. Check out my Queen Fight: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/604681896/ Check out the Snowgrave version: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/582020685/

Notes and Credits

Junkil sprite:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/766216755/ You have to skip the intro Goals: Add intro change attacks add CR fun gang make final attack ULTIMATE GOAL ADD GREEN SOUL!!

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