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YES FINALLY IT'S FINISHED!!!! WELCOME TO ICE BASKETBALL (v.1.2) Thanks for the beautiful support! CHECK THIS OUT: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/117242314/ ____________________________________________________________ HELP: -Use the arrows to move ( you cannot jump ) -Press space to shoot ( if you do it longer you can shoot higher ) ____________________________________________________________ MUSIC: -Super Smash Brothers Theme -Sports Move by Hasenchat _____________________________________________________________ UPDATES: 1.0-Here it is!!! 1.1-Santa charater is aviable 1.2-Halloween special is now here! 1.(...)-Coming soon! ____________________________________________________________ INFORMATION: I'm working on Basketball NBA2k16 ____________________________________________________________ LAGGY: -Just restart or close windows or firefox. ____________________________________________________________ SHOP. -Here you can buy upgrades,cheats or costumes, my friend. -Oh yeah, there is a free reward for you ____________________________________________________________ QUESTIONS. -Can I remix this project *Sure you can...but please don't remix without changing things. -Can I poste my score? *Why don't you ask your father...he'll know! *-YES SURE!!!! ____________________________________________________________ HIGHSCORES *Can you beat them??? *Just the hoops in one game are the goal! ...NOTE: They are broken :( ____________________________________________________________ Featured on 12/8/15

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