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Make sure to click the flag until the animation syncs with the voice acting and sounds If you liked the project a follow, or even clicking the heart and favorite button is always appreciated :D I originally wanted to do more with the animation but I couldn't think of a good way to end it other than the way I did here. Stuff: Jan 12, 2023 [Shared]: Almost a 100 views within the first day :D Jan 13, 2023 - Wow, we're (were) on page 4 of the trending page, that's some progress :) Jan 16, 2023 - I just woke up and this was #14 on trending (on the first page!) which is such a huge jump from the fifth page of trending (which this project was previously in)! Also thanks for 400+ loves and and 300+ favorites that means a lot :D Jan 16th, 2023 (cont.) - Wow thanks for top loved :D Jan 17th, 2023 - #16 trending with 10,000+ views :0 Jan 19th, 2023 - 20,000 views with 1,000+ loves and favorites, this is my most popular project yet! :) get the scratch tendo

Notes and Credits

This was just me animating an idea I came up with a while back Wanna see more? Check this project out https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/789667487/ Studio with all my good projects: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32714235/ Credits: Nintendo Scratch Scratchtendo Kevin Macleod my voice :0 #Animation #Advertisment #ads #ad #Nintendo #Switch #Nintendo_Switch #Scratch #scratchtendo #Scratchtendo_Switch #Get_It_Now #art #all #animations #scratch_cat #FlipE #flippy #cringe #voice_acting #skip_ad #Gaming #console #gaming_console #not_a_scam #overpriced #dollar #why_are_you_reading_this

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