Arrow Keys to move. You can also use the space key to jump.
Click the mobile button and use the joystick (on your left). Click the Jump button (on your right this will only appear if you are touching the joystick) to jump. To stop moving bring the joystick closer to the middle.
⭐Tip: Holding the jump button longer makes you jump higher.
※---WHAT TO DO---※
Click the Play button (if you are on mobile tick the mobile box first) and wait for the game to load. Collect apples and defeat enemies by jumping on them. Open the doors by finding the key with the same colour. You can change the cat's looks as well (you can only change at the start of the game and at the Game Over screen).
Warning: Do not click the green flag and press shift at the same time.
⨷---Notes and Credits---⨷
@griffpatch for Platformer tutorial and Awesome Number Counters? | Exciting Scratch Game & How to Tutorials
Music is a combination of Scratch's built in sounds and my own music/song.
Around 1700 blocks.
Feel free to remix.
|---Things to fix---|
-When music button pressed twice sound not working
-Game is unplayable once 300 clone limit is reached
-Scratch Cat can get stuck in wall causing player to lose life
-If green flag clicked too fast and player clicks play too fast the loading can't be seen
Also follow my friends
@CrazykiTten12356 and
Tested by me 100% beatable.
#all#game#platformer#sh0-t0#Da1-t0#fun#trending #scratchcat#multitouch#mobilefriendly#mobile